New Jersey lawmakers eyeing big pay raises for themselves

Lawmaker pay would rise from $49,000 to $82,000 under new bill

By: - January 4, 2024 7:03 pm

The bill’s sponsor said the pay raises are an attempt to keep New Jersey’s government competitive with the private sector. (Hal Brown for New Jersey Monitor)

Committees in both chambers of the Legislature approved what would be the first salary hikes for their members in more than two decades on Thursday, and even amended the bill at the last minute to afford themselves even larger salaries than initially proposed.

The bill, approved in party-line votes, would raise lawmakers’ $49,000 salary to $82,000 in 2026 — up from $75,000 in a previous version of the bill — and would raise pay for a host of other state employees, including the next governor. The measure’s chief sponsor said it is a bid to keep talented officials in the public sector.

“These problems are not just about quality of life, they are about quality of government,” said Sen. Dick Codey (D-Essex), the sponsor. “If New Jersey cannot pay its workers enough to compete with the private sector, and as a consequence we fail to retain our most talented public servants, it is the people of New Jersey who will face the consequences.”

The Senate president and Assembly speaker would see slightly higher salaries than their colleagues, about $109,000.

The bill is moving quickly toward passage. It was introduced on Tuesday and is scheduled for a floor vote in the Senate Monday.

There’s legitimately nobody who believes that we should be paid $82,000.

– Assemblyman Brian Bergen

Thursday’s amendments removed provisions that would have indexed legislator salaries to inflation beginning in 2028, to an annual cap of 2%. The amended bill does not index lawmakers’ salaries.

Other provisions would raise legislators’ staff allowance from $135,000 to $150,000, while salary caps for executive directors of each caucus and members of Gov. Phil Murphy’s cabinet would increase from $175,000 to $210,000.

Those raises would take effect in 2024. Thursday’s amendments removed provisions that would have made the increases to top staff retroactive through July 2023.

The bill would also increase the governor’s salary from $175,000 to $210,000, but that increase would only take effect once Murphy’s successor is inaugurated in early 2026.

Republican and Democratic lawmakers on the Assembly Appropriations Committee butted heads over the legislation, with the GOP lawmakers charging the bill would drive legislative salaries too high.

“There’s legitimately nobody who believes that we should be paid $82,000. I can assure you no sane person thinks this is logical,” said Assemblyman Brian Bergen (R-Morris). “We don’t deserve it. This is a part-time job.”

Legislators can pay for some expenses, like gas mileage, using funds from their campaign accounts, Bergen said. State law allows candidates and officeholders to reimburse mileage expenses for campaign and officeholding travel.

Some Democratic lawmakers noted higher salaries for legislators could expand opportunities to more New Jerseyans. At present, the state’s part-time Legislature is filled primarily by lawyers, business owners, county officials, and others with flexible scheduling.

“I don’t think passing these raises is ever easy, but I would like to see us diversify what we do,” said Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (D-Essex).

The bill received no public testimony and saw scant discussion before the Senate’s budget committee.

The bill would also extend salary adjustments for a range of judicial officials. Judicial salaries are indexed for inflation, to an annual cap of 2%, but the adjustment to be calculated this December would be the last under existing law. The bill would extend those adjustments for another two years, with the final adjustment calculated in December 2026 and taking effect the following January.

Dana DiFilippo contributed.

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Nikita Biryukov
Nikita Biryukov

Nikita Biryukov is an award-winning reporter who covers state government and politics for the New Jersey Monitor, with a focus on fiscal issues and voting. He has reported from the capitol since 2018 and joined the Monitor at its launch in 2021. The Rutgers University graduate previously covered state government and politics for the New Jersey Globe. Before then he covered local government in New Brunswick as a freelancer for the Home News Tribune. You can reach him at [email protected].

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